Tuesday, January 12, 2010


We're posting this image in honor of the federal trial that started yesterday in San Francisco to decide the constitutionality of state laws (such as Proposition 8) banning gay marriages. At issue is whether such laws deprive gays of their civil rights and inherently promote inequality (such as segregation did 50 years ago). . Both sides have rehearsed for this for a long time, which is ironic in that both sides also admit that, no matter which way this case is decided, it will be appealed to SCOTUS. . Of course, we all know that Proposition 8 is a hate law, with the aim of stigmatizing gays. Oh, you'll hear sweet-smelling lies about how the proponents of Proposition 8 don't hate gays; they just want to preserve the sanctity of marriage. Bullsh*t. . I remember back in the 60's, during the hearings in Washington, when the segregationists brought in a (white) barber to give testimony about why he wouldn't let blacks into his shop. It wasn't that he was a racist, he said. It was just that the hair of Afro-Americans was thicker and stronger, and wore out his equipment faster. . What utter hogwash. The courts and the (majority of) Congress weren't fooled by those lies way back then. Let's hope they aren't fooled by the "Defense of Marriage" lies now.


Amanda said...

I hope not either. I'm really scared that this is going to get up to the Supreme Court and they'll pass an anti-marriage judgement. We really need to get rid of DOMA.

terry said...

SCOTUS will vote 5-4; i just don't know which way. it doesn't matter. if they don't allow gay rights at this point in time, it will happen down the road. DOMA is a sham, constitutional rights are being withheld; and sooner or later SCOTUS will recognize this.