Friday, January 22, 2010

the debut of YFKM

"I have never felt so much female energy around me. I find that I can't take my eyes off them. I'm 99 percent sure I will leave this movie a lesbian." (Kristen Bell, to Health magazine, on working with Cher and Christina Aguilera in the movie "Burlesque") .Kristen. Sweetie. What did your publicist tell you about using your own brain to make statements to the press? . I think in three sentences you've managed to p*ss off just about everyone. The anti gay-rights folks now fear that their daughters will turn into lesbians if they watch a movie with sexy women in it. The pro gay-rights folks want to talk to you about your concept of "turning into" a lesbian. . And Cher and Christina said that the next time you so much as touch them on the set, they'll b*tch-slap you into the next time zone. . YFKM. As in "You're Freaking Kidding Me!" I think we'll develop this into a recurring feature here. Tiger's "rehab" is next.

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