Monday, April 20, 2009

Thrills and Pills

Move over, Texas. Arizona is way stupider than yooze. . 13-year-old Savana Redding was a honor student at Safford Middle School, when a classmate was caught with prescription-strength ibuprofen, but without a prescription. School officials asked the miscreant who supplied her with the pills, and she fingered Savana. . Savana got yanked from class, and her backpack was searched. No pills. But that wasn't good enough for the "zero tolerance and zero brains" school officials. So the school nurse and (female) assistant vice principal strip-searched Savana. Off came everything but her underwear, and then she was forced to pull out on her bra and panties to show the women that she wasn't hiding pills in there. . You can read CNN's account of this here. There was a big article in the Arizona Republic yesterday, since SCOTUS has now agreed to hear the appeal. The school district says SCOTUS better not side with Savana, cuz then it might inhibit their War On Drugs. . Jeez, where to start on this. First of all, hearsay from another girl is hardly just cause to even search Savana's backpack. Second, it is very unlikely that a girl suddenly pulled out of a middle-school class will have the wits or opportunity to unobtrusively stash some pills in her undies. And finally IBUPROFEN IS A F$$KING HEADACHE PILL, YOU ACADEMIC A$$HOLES!! . Subjecting a 13-year-old girl to something like this is a criminal offense. I kinda wish the Old Testament "eye for an eye" precept would be applied here. Let's have the school nurse and assistant principal strip-searched by Savana. Failing that, let's hope SCOTUS throws the book at these incredibly moronic school officials. . Okay, Texas. Your turn. Try to out-stupid that!


L said...

You said it, idiots every one of them. It's like when they arrested that 8-year old autistic girl for hitting her teacher when she wanted the girl to take off her cow sweat shirt. **serious head slap

I really like this blog ;D

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget the Ansonia High School case - The 'abused' students are now suing the teachers and principal for violating their rights. However, this is Connecticut, so who knows.

terry said...

Hi Lula! Hopefully the Supreme Court will side with Savana. I can't see how they could reach any other conclusion, but then again, there are some real wing-nuts on SCOTUS.

Anon, I had to Google to find the Ansonia case. A strip-search to find some money? And the kid was clean? Sounds like lawsuit time there too. i hope they nail those school officials.