Monday, April 06, 2009

The never-ending college class

Yeah, I've had this dream. Dozens of times. Usually involving some imagined calculus class that I for some reason neglected going to for weeks on end. Or doing the homework. Or studying for the test. . And we won't even talk about waking up time after time on the back pew in a church. In my underwear. Or less. Thank god it's always the back pew. Now if I can just sneak out without anyone seeing me...


Amanda said...

Oh man this is my recurring dream, too! Only it doesn't matter what classes I'm taking. I'm always late, and therefore too scared to attend, therefore getting in trouble for never being there, and having to drop out of school...

I never have the underwear dreams. Instead, my recurring nightmare (besides school) is that I'm driving along, usually too fast, in the dark, with no lights, and I'm sleepy. I can never tell where I am or where I'm going, and I'm completely out of control. Horrible. I try to stay out of cars in my dreams.

terry said...

a lot of times i can't find my classroom, thus adding to the stress of being way behind in attendance & homework.

another regular one is where i'm driving (or running, or walking) somewhere, usually towards "home" and all the roads and landmarks have changed. so i'm constantly asking for directions, which are never any help of course.

that dream isn't so bad if i'm driving, but if i'm running, it leaves me thoroughly drained when i wake up.

Heather said...

I usually have the same one as the toon. Seriously, college works you over!

terry said...

for some reason, it never goes back to High School days. i wonder why.