Friday, November 28, 2008

The Dogz of Thanxgiving

We had a nice Thanksgiving. A dozen people or so. One extra dog - Preacher. Lots of great food and stimulating conversation. After dinner, Jynx volunteered to help with the dishes. Or more precisely, the silverware. I've never seen him stand on the dishwasher door before, although Mohavy used to do so.
After a while, Preacher and Huxley came over to see what was going on. Honeybee missed out. As usual, she had withdrawn to the back bedroom. Stranger danger, and all that.
Eventually, Jynx was coaxed off the door. Preacher looked forward to his turn, but by then, the silverware was pretty much licked clean.
So Preacher headed off to the living room, where he posed for this "Kodak moment".

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