Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Summer Solstice!!

Happy Father's Day, too. And Happy Wimbledon Tournament Start Day as well. MSNBC once again ran an article about the "pagans" who celebrated at Stonehenge this year. You can read it here. Alas, "party-goers" would be a more accurate description. . During our March 2004 vacation, we made it to Stonehenge, and the above pic is from then. It was bitterly cold, and the wind just tore across the Salisbury Plain. All of us tourists did a quick walk around the outside of the henge (you can't go in, except apparently on the solstices), then hung out in the warm gift shop until it was time to get back on the bus. The gift shop did a brisk business that day. . Since I'm a time-traveler, I went back a couple millennia today to celebrate the Summer Solstice at Stonehenge. It was a much more spiritual occasion, but the sanitary conditions were just atrocious. We watched the sunrise and toasted some newlyweds with a couple rounds of mead. Which was thrice as strong as the watery beer served in modern Britain. So I'll be nursing a hangover for the rest of the day back here in the present.

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