Wednesday, May 23, 2012


    Limpia(s) is a new word for me, despite my past history in the metaphysical movement.  Its roots are Hispanic, and it's apparently a cleansing of some sort (my Honduran co-worker wasn't all that clear about the details), involving smoke, incense, praying, chanting and the like, and is ideal for getting rid of bothersome evil spirits.

    But the kewl thing is that this sign is at a building right here in Mesa.  And is an indication that the Metaphysicians (i made that up) are finally wising up and organizing.  Years ago, Mesa, being mind-narrowingly Mormon, effectively swept out all the psychics, palm readers, etc. by declaring them businesses and charging them a thousand dollars per annum for a business license.  Yeah, you gotta do a helluva lot of Tarot readings to make a profit after that.

    But now it seems at least some of the mystics have organized themselves into something called the Esoteric Catholic Church.  Take that, you religious bigots.  Try to shut them down now and you're messing with constitutional rights.  Gotta love it.

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