Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Five Dead in Gilbert

Meet JT Ready.  JT's an asshole.  He's also a neo-nazi, a gun-nut, and the founder of his self-styled Arizona border militia.

   JT apparently was having relationship difficulties (imagine that!), so he took care of them the "militia way".  He blew away his girl-friend, her daughter, the daughter's boyfriend, and the daughter's 18-month-old baby girl today.  You can read about it here.

    Of course, this is Arizona, where idiocy is considered a virtue.  So JT was also a candidate for various state elected positions.  Happily, even Arizonans generally don't vote for a swatzika-wearing whack-job, so he was never successful.  But he did get to hobnob with some of our other tea-bagging politicians, including (below) the one-time but-now-deposed leader of the state senate, Russell Pearce.  Pearce is the bozo on the right.  Birds of a feather, and all that.

    JT at least did us all a favor by finally turning his gun on himself.  I'm sure glad the constitution allows for a militia, so that we all can be protected from 18-month-old toddlers.

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