Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Three Men in a Boat - Jerome K. Jerome

1889; 195 pages. New Author?: Yes. Full Title : Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog!). Genre : Classical Literature; Comedy. Overall Rating : 9*/10.
His contemporary highbrow critics panned it, but Three Men in a Boat was a ground-breaking work of humor that was an instant hit among the late-Victorian reading crowd. Jerome K. Jerome attained instant fame, and TMIAB went on to be a sustained best-seller.
My review in 50 words or less...
Three hypochondirac chums decide to spend a fortnight boating on the Thames to improve their health. A terrier named Monmorency joins them, and pratfalls and hilarious discourses ensue. A wonderful depiction of life in 19th-century England; it also provides great insight into the foibles of mankind.
For a bally good review, see here.

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