Monday, July 19, 2010

Swan Upping

It's the third week of July, and we all know what that means - SWAN UPPING ON THE THAMES!! What? You haven't heard of it? Or worse yet, you think I'm pulling your leg? You can read the Wikipedia article on it here. . It seems the queen owns all the mute swans in England. Who owns the ones that can honk is anybody's guess. Apparently, she only lays claim to the ones on the Thames River, and this is the week they all go out and do a cygnet count to make sure no one has absconded with Her Majesty's mallards. .
It looks like bally fun. Not quite up to the entertainment level of conkers, but amusing nevertheless. It will take the swan marker (now there's a job I want) all week to complete the census, so feel free to celebrate the occasion (however one does that) any day this week.

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