Sunday, May 31, 2009

Angel Kitty

The weirdest story of the past week concerns a cat in China growing "wings". The MSNBC article on it is here. The word photoshopped always comes to my mind when I see a pic like this, but for the moment, if MSNBC is buying into it, I'll warily do the same. . The bizarre parts of the story are that the appendages didn't grow until the cat was a year old, and that this phenomenon is not unprecedented. And while some will find a message from God here (feel free to leave a comment as to what that celestial message might be); I, being a chemist, am a bit more suspicious of this being linked to the quality (or lack thereof) of the water and air in the cat's neighborhood.


Amanda said...

Those kind of look like mutated large ears...

terry said...

given how far back on the torso the "wings" are, kitty would have a tough time flying with them. there would be a natural tendency for the upper half of the body to fall forward.