Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sacred Disorder of the Enigmata

I stumbled across these blokes while googling the word "Enigmatist", which I thought I had perchance invented. No such luck, although anymore, it's a matter of "an infinite number of monkeys typing on an infinite number of typewriters".
They're similar to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, which was previously reviewed here. These guys seem place a bit more emphasis on personal zaniness than the CotFSM, who are more about confronting the idiocy of Intelligent Design being presented as Science.
The website of the SDotE is at . Be sure to "Meet The Flock" while you're there.


Amanda said...

Okay, well maybe your acronym wasn't quite as complementary as I thought, then. ;)

I've heard of that flying spaghetti monster thing before from a guy whose blog I read, but I always thought he was just talking concept and not quoting a concept that had been structured by someone else. Weird.

terry said...

no, no! it was only this morning that i googled it. your Balderdash acronym was a great enigma, and i was quite proud that i came up with "enigmatist".

language is an ever-evolving entity. but its raison d'ĂȘtre is to communicate. i was pretty sure that enigmatist wasn't a word, but i thought it described you quite well.

alas, the SDoeE zanies had already coined it, and given it a different connotation. but that doesn't mean i can't give it a different meaning.

Amanda said...

Hey, don't look at me, I make up my own words all the time. :)

terry said...

there was also a website at but it was an abandoned puzzle site (no entries since 2006), and didn't make near as good of a story as the Enigmata folks.