Saturday, May 07, 2011

Choosing the right God

    I'm reading a book right now ("Gods Behaving Badly" by Marie Phillips) that explores this same postulate, albeit humorously.  Why is it inconceivable that the Egyptian gods (as shown in the comic), or the Greek gods (as hypothesized in GBB)  have just as much chance of existing as our "modern" deities?

    True, you can climb Mt. Olympus and show conclusively that Zeus and company are not dwelling there.  But when you subject any of today's gods to the same type of test, you don't find any evidence either.  So it's a matter of faith.  And choosing the right god, I suppose.  Or at least one that you're comfortable with.  Alas, most people are lazy and just opt for whatever form of god their parents had.


cattywhumpus said...

Good one. Loved the comic:) While I am a follower of Christ, I so do not fit the mold of any of my parents or relatives beliefs. I love what I have found and the peace it brings me:) I believe in asking questions, pretty much! Its all about the journey:)

terry said...

may you never stop asking those questions. ;-)