We've already introduced you to
Frizz-Ball and
Sleaze-Ball here. Now meet

This is
Ashley Todd, a volunteer for the Republican party in Pennsylvania who decided to concoct a phony assault - robbery - mutilation story and blame it all on a made-up six-foot-four, black Obama supporter. You can read MSNBC's report about it
The dittoheads were having a field day with it, until it turned out to be a hoax. Alas for Miss Ashley, making a false report to police is a crime. So her reward for this bit of goofiness (besides the ridicuously-backward "B" she scratched into her own face) was a pair of handcuffs.
I read this story this morning (before they knew it was a hoax) and thought - that just doesn't sound plausible. Especially the fact that the B was put on there backwards. Lo and behold, it turns out to be just a prank. Well, "prank" might be a little light of a word, but you know what I mean. Honestly, beyond this just being sad, I find it rather hillarious. The woman thought she had a great story, staring at her face in the mirror, carving out that B, only to realize that you can't trust a mirror when it comes to writing letters...whoops! I can't believe she went to the police after she realized the B was backwards and just claimed that her attacker made it that way. I think if I were her I would have given up the cause at that point. But seriously, you've got to be really dedicated to trying to badmouth someone to give yourself a black eye and carve something into your face. I wonder if it'll scar...
do you get the feeling there's rampant panic balzing through the Republican ranks right now? there's these three "balls", and i've yet to find time to post about Joe The Plumber, who was an obvious plant.
Yep, I do feel there's some panic going on. I can't wait for election day to be over with! I feel good having voted already.
btw, did you know a proposition is trying to pass in Florida that bans all civil unions and domestic partnerships, including heterosexual ones?
Ooh! Your captcha thing says "gauze."
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