Saturday, October 11, 2008
An Affinity for Divinity
If you yearn to return to the days of Odin, Hera, and Astarte (and Hamilcar does), you'll be happy to know that we have a bona fide goddess living among us.
Indeed, Taleju (the deity) just jumped into a new body last week, a three-year-old girl from the Shakya caste in Nepal. You can read Msnbc's article on it here.
The article implies Hindus and Buddhists alike worship little Miss Divinity, but that's misleading. Actually, it's just a cult that attracts a hodgepodge of whackos of various religious persuasions, mostly in Nepal. Thankfully, the Tibetian Buddhists, with whom I was involved with briefly in my 20's, have nothing to do with this silliness. Interestingly though, the cult is also encouraged by the Nepalese monarchists and Maoists.
The whole thing is rife with goofiness. The 3-year-old girl (who first had to pass a series of bizarre tests) is taken from her parents to live in a monastery. She's treated like a ...well... goddess until she reaches puberty, at which point Taleju dumps her like damaged goods and takes possession of another body. She gets sent back to her village with a small stipend (from the government), and a gold coin, and a piece of cloth from her royal robe (from the monks). Oh, she also gets a curse - the man who marries her is prophecied to die within six months from coughing up blood. It's not nice to take up with someone spurned by the gods.
The Wikipedia article is here. And you can order a book written by one of these former goddess-girls from Amazon here. It's titled "From Goddess to Mortal", and you can purchase this 152-page book for the low, low price of $58.26. If you read it, you can write the first review at Amazon.

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