Thursday, August 16, 2012

Book Excerpt for the Day

    He was too tired, too old, too weary of wandering from place to place.  He had seen his own and all the other nomad tribes destroyed: the old way of life was finished for ever.  Its freedom and plenty, its grinding hardships, its terrors and grandeur, everything he had lived for, everything was gone.  Even had there been enough people to make a spirit group, there was nowhere left for them to go.  The trees were gone from vista to vista, cut down or ring-barked and left to die.  The ancient territories of his people had been laid waste, and still Valdoe's blades were at work.  Once he had been angry; recently he had begun to fear that, one day, he would view it all with indifference.

(from The Earth Goddess, by Richard Herley)

  7½*/10.  The full review is here.

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