Thursday, April 22, 2010

YFKM - License Plate Recall

The state of Virginia recalled an offensive vanity plate today. You say you want to see it? Here it is : .
. Revolting, isn't it? You can read about it here. Now folks, I find the White Supremacists a disgusting bunch of racists. But I'm not prepared to cede to them the numbers "14" and "88". Until this article hit the presses, I don't think any normal person would think twice about those numbers. And if a bunch of skinhead neo-nazis want it to be their own little coded message; well, so what? . I mean, what's next? How many other 2- and 3-digit numbers are we going to ban from vanity plates? Let's see now. I suppose we can outlaw "69", so that drivers don't get the uncontrollable urge to do sexting while they're driving. And "666" will certainly be offenisve to the Fundies. Then again, "777" promotes secular humanism, and "888" will offend Atheists. And to keep the triskaidekaphobiacs happy, "13" has to go. While we're at it, let's ban "42" because it's NOT the answer to life, the universe, and everything else. Have I missed any? . Now letter sequences are a bit more serious. I admit, I would be offended if the DMV issued me a plate with "KKK" on it. We'll skip the sexual triads (you can guess those already). A loyal Democrat might object to "GOP", while a loyal Republican may balk at "JFK". And things like "POT" and "LSD" surely send a subliminal message to try drugs. . While we're on the subject of vanity plates, I have to say that I've never even considered paying extra $$$ to get one. But if I did, the two I'd think about are "XQQQME" and "IMYY4U". The former really is appropriate if you ever saw my driving habits, and the latter is impressive for encompassing five words (six, if you want to really stretch it) in a mere six characters. . FWIW, the best vanity plate that I've ever actually seen was "RUADV8". Wow. Six characters, four words, and a complete, coherent, provocative sentence. How'd they slip that one by the DMV? . And no, the image above has nothing to do with the topic. Sadly, among the hundreds of jpegs stashed on my hard drive, I couldn't find any with a license plate. So you get an optical illusion instead.

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