Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Reality of Global Warming

I have a friend who forwards me e-mails his dittohead friends send him, claiming that Global Warming is a hoax. Some are purportedly written by honest-to-goodness scientists, so you know they're true. . Most of the "science" in these e-mails quotes obscure, untraceable data that somehow shows the world is getting cooler, claims we're overdue for an Ice Age, reveals that Al Gore is the anti-Christ, and warns that we better keep pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere so a mile-high glacier doesn't come down and cover Phoenix. . Folks, get used to it - Global Warming is happening, and it's happening at an unprecedented pace. You can argue how much is due to man, and how much is due to Mother Nature; but you can't debate its reality. The polar icecaps are melting at an alarming rate. Yesterday, two ships managed to make a trip around the north coast of Russia, something never before accomplished. You can read about it here. . The potential effects of the polar ice melting are mind-numbing. Rising ocean levels will inundate the shores of all nations (good-bye Florida!), and wipe out a number of island nations. It is even possible that the Gulf Stream wil reverse its course, rendering England as frigid as Alaska. So let's stop with the business-as-usual-oriented dittohead claptrap, and start taking steps to cut greenhouse emissions. The fact that Al Gore and the UN support these steps does not make them wrong. . And BTW, the overwhelming majority of scientists are convinced that Global Warming is occurring. The fact that you can find one or two that claim it isn't happening (and coincidentally, are also dittoheads) is statistically irrelevant.

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