Wednesday, March 28, 2012

RIP Trayvon Martin

    It's time to wake up to the fact that there is NOT racial equality in America, and that if you're a black male, you essentially have a bull's-eye on your back 24/7.  Ditto if you're Hispanic.

    It's time to recognize that gun nuts are not your neighborhood watchmen; they're your local thugs who fantasize about blowing some minority away.  And your white local policemen are not there "to serve and protect", they are there to look the other way when some black teenager is killed in cold blood just because he had the gall to be walking thru a lily-white community.

    But this is where it ends.  This outrage will not get swept under the rug.  It will not disappear from the headlines once the next American Idol contestant is eliminated.  Because if they can shoot an unarmed, scared, 17-year-old black kid - they can just as easily shoot you.

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