Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Book Excerpt for the Day

    "I am a damned man, Miss Drapes, judged and damned," said Mr. Bent, staring at the wall.

    "You, Mr. Bent?  That's no way to talk!  You, who've never made a mistake?"

    "But I have sinned.  Oh indeed I have!  I have worshipped false idols!"

    "Well, sometimes you can't get real ones," said Miss Drapes, patting his hand and wondering if she should call someone.  "Look, if you want absolution,  I understand the Ionians are doing two sins for one this week -"

    "It's caught me," he whispered.  "Oh dear, Miss Drapes.  There is something rising inside that wants to get out!"

    "Don't you worry, we've got a bucket," said Miss Drapes.

(from Making Money, by Terry Pratchett)

The complete review is here.

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