Saturday, June 25, 2011

It's "Lightning"

    Yes, I'm a grammar nazi.  I work hard not to let it show.  But come on now,  This is a nationally syndicated cartoon strip.  The jagged, electricity thing in the sky is "lightning".  The opposite of getting heavier (or darker) is "lightening".


Heather said...

Thank you Terry, we need more of you in the world.

terry said...

i saw a book review a couple years ago for "The Lightning Thief" by Rick Rierdon. Yep, you guessed it - the blogger spelled it "Lightening" throughout the review.

what flabbergasted me was he had a picture of the book cover (with the correct spelling, of course) right there in the freaking review!

how clueless can you get?!

Heather said...

Wow, that's pathetic. I have my fair share of typos, but I really try to keep them to a minimum. I is edumacated after all. ;)

terry said...

in this age of acronyms, tweets, and texting shorthand , typos no longer bother me. if i can read the message, it did its job.

spell-checker boo-boos amuse me. i can't tell you how many engineering reports i've read where phrases like a "fro a cheep price" pop up. stoopid spel-chekker.

but cartoonists really should know when they aren't sure of a spelling. after all, they is edumacated too.