Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Time Traveler's Wife

Leaving aside materialistic options such as going back to the spring of 1969 and betting on the New York Mets to win it all, the one thing I'd personally try to change in history is the burning to the ground of the Library of Alexandria in the 6th Century AD. What an irreplaceable loss! . And on an entirely unrelated matter, Jason bought Liz The Time Traveler's Wife for Christmas last year. It's still on her TBR shelf, but she's considering making it her next read. That should be interesting.


Amanda said...

I hate that book with a passion. Horrible piece of drivel. Trash. Filth. I can't wait until this movie crap is over wish so people can stop talking about it.

terry said...

it's not the type of book Liz normally reads, so we shall see. i'm tempted to read it myself, since it has time-travel in it. but i'm leery that it's just a romance story with a catchy title.

Amanda said...

More like a badly written harlequin romance with lots of badly written sex scenes. Not interesting.

terry said...

She likes it so far. But very different from the standard Harlequin romance novel that she usually reads. Jason picks books well for both of us.