Thursday, July 03, 2008

The Pods Must Be Crazy

Question : What do you get when you cross two pod-pooping trees with a monsoon wind? Answer : 30 gallons (*) of pods strewn out across the cul-de-sac. To say nothing of our roof, our swimming pool, the bed of my truck, the neighbors' yards, etc.

Fortunately, I'm off this week, so I had time to buy a push-broom and sweep the street. In 112° heat and monsoon mugginess. What fun.

I blame my Druid persona for this. Him and his cotton-pickin' fertility rites. Those trees were sterile for the first 10 years we had them. A few leaves; no pods. But oh no, Mr. "Viva Vercingetorix" just had to perform some sort of Druidic ritual. And since there are no oak groves in Phoenix, he was forced to make do with the two trees in our front yard. Sheesh.

(*) : Yeah, I know. "gallons" is a liquid measure. But I filled my 5-gallon bucket 6 times with those &*#!$% pods you see in the street.


Anonymous said...

Five gallon bucket boy?

Sheesh, down here in Austin TX we don't even make a bucket less than 10 gallons.

Two trees boy?

Well down here in Austin TX we have more trees than that growing in our storm drains.

What you AZ boys need is some rain. And we got more rain than anywhere boy.



Heather said...

Well, not sure what part of Austin Cletus is talking about, but from what I can see AZ has had more rain than us in the last month. :P

Sorry about the trees Terry, maybe someone could have a talk with that druid and have him tone it down a little?

terry said...

Cletus lives northeast of Austin. way east and way north. and across a big pond.

like me, he has multiple personalities. lots of 'em. unlike me, his MP's tend to show up once, then never again. weird.

we're still awaiting the monsoons. that wind that knocked all those pods out of the tree was just wind. not even any dust.

we had one sprinkling of rain in June; that was it. where Cletus lives, i think they've been above 70°F once so far this year. if he had to spend a day in Austin or Phoenix summer weather, he'd melt and whine. ;-)