Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mr. Brooks

Title : Mr. Brooks (2007; 121 minutes)
Genre : Suspense
Rating : **½ (out of 5*)

This Weekend I Watched...
A well-respected businessman by day, Mr. Brooks (Kevin Costner) is addicted to mudering by night. Demi Moore plays a detective trying to solve the spree; Dane Cook plays a photographer who wants to learn serial-killing from the master; William Hurt plays Mr. Brooks' inner voice.

What's To Like...
The plot is novel, and there are lots of twists along the way. There's plenty of action and suspense, mostly due to four (count 'em, four!) serial-killers (both actual and wannabees) traipsing around. The interaction between Costner and Hurt is quite good.

What's Not To Like...
For the most part, the acting sucks. Demi Moore never could act; and who the heck is Dane Cook? A comedian, I am told. Sorry, Dane. Stick to stand-up.

However, it's the script that really stinks up the place. Mr. Brooks battles his inner demon. Okay. But then he offs Demi's soon-to-be-ex, and she becomes a suspect. Does this ever get resolved? No. Meanwhile, there's a murder where the daughter goes to college, and she's a suspect. Does this ever get resolved? Nope. And Demi wanders around trying to solve Mr. Brooks' slayings. I'll let you guess whether this ever gets resolved.

Help! My Cheerios have been shot by a Cereal Killer...
I get the feeling one wasn't supposed to take this movie too seriously. I mean, Demi Moore and Dane Cook?? Come on. Why not throw in Hulk Hogan and Dennis Rodman too? Heck, Benji and Mr. Ed could have been worked into the script somehere, and they would've held their own in the acting category.

Nevertheless, the movie was entertaining, as long as you focused on the psychiatry, and not on the whodunit. It's probably only worth two stars, but we'll tack on an extra half-star for a bit of gratuitous T&A and some clever, scene-stealing wit by William Hurt.


Anonymous said...

Dane Cook plays a photographer who wants to learn serial-killing from the master

Well there's your problem. That guy was born a hack, lives as a hack, and will die a hack.

Anonymous said...

i had a feeling Costner would make some kind of a comeback, he's not such a bad actor

terry said...

i agree - Costner is a pretty good actor. he's able to play a variety of roles, all equally well.

as a producer/director, he's strictly "meh". Waterworld and The Postman are both great ideas for a movie, but they could've been done so much better.