Thursday, January 02, 2014


    A way-kewl composite photo that a FB friend shared the other day.  Basically, it simulates what the Andromeda Galaxy would look like from earth, if it was visibly brighter.  I am fascinated by it because it gives me, a non-astronomer, a sense of perspective as to its size.

    I'd be tempted to say the image would be getting smaller and smaller because the universe is expanding, so Andromeda's getting further and further away.  But IIRC, it and the Milky Way are on a collision course.  And that when this happens, Andromeda swallows us, not the other way around.  So don't be surprised if you look up one night, and there it is, growing bigger and brighter even as you watch.  (JK)

    Of course, I wouldn't worry too much about impending head-on crash.  It's not going to happen for another 3.75 billion years.

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