Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Bye Bye, Bachman

    Interesting results in last night's Iowa caucus.  The two candidates that claim God Himself told them to run for President - Bachman-the-Nut and Governor Goodhair - both got their a$$es spanked.

    BtN has already called it quits, and GG has sent out signals that he's seriously thinking about going back to Texas to work on seceding from the USA.

    The question is - what does God think about that?  Are they disobeying Him by going against His wishes by quitting?  If so, should He punish them in an Almighty Way?  I'm thinking a plague of frogs here.

    Or is it that He forgot to tell those damn left-wing-leaning Iowa Repugnicans to vote for His anointed ones?

    The fact is, politics is a dirty business; and anyone who plays the God-card is delusional at best; hypocritical at worst.  So personally, I think The Creator (who is a "She", BTW.  She told me so.) is sending a message that Religion should be kept out of Politics altogether.  Makes sense to me.


Sundogger said...

LOL - love it!

terry said...

Oooh. And Herman "Hold The Sausage" Cain apparently also claimed God had told him to run.