Sunday, March 20, 2011

cleaning up the wreck

It occurs to me that we'd have a lot more options in Libya if we weren't already illegally and immorally occupying two other Muslim countries. I'm happy the way Obama has handled this current crisis so far - consult beforehand both with our allies in Europe AND the Arab League. But committing US ground troops is frankly out of the question. And this greatly increases the odds of Libya devolving into a bloody stalemate. Neither the rebels nor Ghadhafi being strong enough to vanquish the other side. . So, thanks again, Dubnutz. You, with your phony "evidence" justifying the invasion of Iraq. You, with absolutely no idea what to do once you brought Saddam down. You, who have us bogged down in Afghanistan - can't stay, can't go home. . Ah, but that's what happens when we elect an idiot. Twice.

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