Monday, March 22, 2010

Bats in the belfry

One of these was in our suite when I got to work today. It's tough to say who was more terrified - the bat or the various co-workers that he was dive-bombing in a desperate search for an escape route. . He was quickly trapped in a VP's office. No, the Veep wasn't in it at the time. We aren't Dilbert. He just as quickly figured out to crawl out underneath the office door and continue his terrorizing of us humans. . I hypothesized that it was in fact a vampire seeking shelter from the dawn. This was dismissed as not being plausible, so I shut my door and ignored the crisis. I assume they eventually opened one of the dining-room doors and persuaded the critter to make an exit. By 7:30, the excitement was all over.


Amanda said...

When we were doing construction on our house in wisconsin, we periodically got bats in the house. For some reason, they always congregated in the boys' bedroom, while they were sleeping, which made it quite difficult to get them out.

terry said...

when i was 5 or 6 years old, an aged, crazy hermit who lived in our small, rural town passed away. for whatever reason, the townspeople decided to tear his old, rickety house down. so one day, half the town showed up to watch the demolition. yeah, we were starved for entertainment.

when they yanked one of the main oustide walls down, dozens of bats took flight amongst us yokels. the adult women fled in terror, the adult men ran madly around, trying in vain to whack the bats with boards, and us young'uns just laughed and danced like it was the coolest thing ever.

i always wondered how Old Bill Fuchs managed to coexist in that house with all those bats.