Wednesday, November 18, 2009

RIP - Shaniya Davis

Shaniya was the 5-year-old North Carolina girl whose mom allegedly rented her out for prostitution. If there's a more heinous crime than this, I'm at a loss to think of it. . We will allow justice to run its course. After all, the first thing the police did when the girl went missing was to throw mom's boyfriend in jail. It's always the BF that did it, don't you know? Especially when we're talking about blacks. Until a motel employee came up with a videotape showing a completely different guy carrying Shaniya to a motel room. So Bro #2 is now in jail, and the authorities had to reluctantly let the BF walk. For now. . I don't know what drives a mom to do this to her own daughter. Drug addiction? A controlling man in her life? A desperate need for money? No matter what the reason, why didn't the mom turn the tricks herself? . I do know this is why I support the very un-liberal institution of Capital Punishment. Yeah I hear you. Executing the mom and the guy that (presumably) raped and killed Shaniya won't bring her back. But hopefully it will deter the next hard-up mom and child-molesting dude(s) from engaging in this kind of perversion.


bbmcgee65 said...

i agree with you on the capitol punishment thing, im all for it, as long is there is no doubt they did it. nobody has the right to take a life, but if they do i believe they should pay with theirs. i am always amazed what people do to each other, and more often than not their actions involve some mind/mood altering substance, or stem from how they were treated as a child (which usually involves the same)

not only does Execution deter others, but it removes those people from this world, so they can never do it again.

Mark Twain wrote: "Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel, he is the only one that inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it"

terry said...

you make a good point.

it's an irreversible mistake when you put the wrong guy to death. the cops were sure the BF was the killer, until the motel videotape showed up.