Sunday, May 20, 2007

RIP, Jerry Falwell

The right-wing bigot and politician Jerry Falwell passed away on the Ides of May. Apparently, all the hatred coursing through his veins finally clogged up his heart.

Among Jerry's political revelations : Communists were behind the Civil Rights movement; Abortionists caused 9-11 (with help from the pagans, the feminists, and the gays); Liberals are behind Global Warming; and Teletubby Tinky-Winky is behind the Gays. Or maybe the gays are behind Tinky-Winky.

- Political Epitaph -
There are lots of websites out there with lots of Falwell hate quotes. We'll list just one, from way back in 1958 :

"The true Negro does not want integration. He realizes his potential is far better among his own race. Who then is propagating this terrible thing? First of all, we see the hand of Moscow in the background..."

- Spiritual Contributions -
He once expelled three students from his Bible College after catching them worshipping at a Pentecostal church instead of at the prescribed Baptist Church. Feel the love, Jerry!

1 comment:

Maria Papoila said...

Madeleine McCann, 4 years old,disappeared from The Ocean Club resort, Praia da Luz, Lagos, Portugal, in the evening of May 3, 2007. Police says that she was kidnapped by an english man , with the help of his russian friend.
Please, go to my blog, and copy my last post in to your blog (the post is in english and in portuguese).
There´s a reward for those who find the girl, google it.
You can also see more about this on youtube.
She can be anywhere around the world.