Tuesday, April 03, 2007

WoT Odds : Nynaeve al'Meara

- Character -
Originally, a village wisdom (healer) in Two Rivers, and a childhood friend of Rand, Perrin, and Mat. Now an Aes Sedai (in Egwene's camp), wife of Lan Mandragoran, and currently traveling with Rand.
- Chances of surviving Tarmon Gai'don (*) -


(*) Sounds a lot like 'Armageddon', doesn't it?

- Why She'll Survive -
Well, Min has foretold that Rand has to die in order to then live, so who do you think is going to heal The Dragon Reborn other than the most powerful healer in the land?
- Why She Won't Survive -
There's that touchy situation of being married to a man (king, actually), who's also bonded to Moiraine, and it is pretty obvious that Moiraine is going to be making a comeback in Book 12. Sounds like someone "has to go" in this triangle.
- If I Was Writing WoT, Nynaeve Would... -
... ditch Lan and start up a Healing Pyramid Scheme in the good old "Amway" business plan. Hire on other Healers (train them if necessary), and tell them to charge for their services. The "hirer" gets 10% of the profits. The "hiree" can in turn get enlist/train other Healers, but has to give 10% of her overall income to her "Hirer". Eventually, Nynaeve gets filthy rich, buys the throne of Malkier, and graciously offers to let Lan come back as her "consort". :-)

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