Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Book Excerpt for the Day

    “People planning trips generally want up-to-date information.  How would you like to fly all the way to Gabon and find your hotel went out of business a year ago?”

    “You’d never get me there in the first place,” he said.  “You gotta be crazy to go someplace like that.  You’re layin’ on the beach there, drinkin’ somethin’ with fruit in it, and the next thing you know they’re havin’ themselves a cootie tah.”

    “A what?”

    “You know, where they overthrow the government.  Before you know it you’re the main course at a cannibal banquet.”

    (from The Burglar Who Thought He Was Bogart by Lawrence Block)


    7*/10.  The complete review is here.


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