Thursday, July 02, 2009

The thing about Faulkner is...

I've never crossed paths with The Sound And The Fury. I do vaguely recall having to read As I Lay Dying for a high school English class. (*) Yeah, that quickly became a "Cliff Notes" project. . As for Rat's comment in the middle panel, I did say that about Waiting For Godot in a freshman English Lit class at Penn State. Hey, the prof asked for our honest opinions. I guess what he really meant was our honest positive opinions. . (*) : ISTR (but could easily be wrong) that there is one chapter in As I Lay Dying that's something like one sentence long. Some last-gasp thought by whoever is lying around dying. Maybe. Maybe not. I've been quite successful at purging my brain cells of anything having to do with Faulkner.


Amanda said...

I loved As I Lay Dying in high school. It was one of the only books in HS that I liked, and it was what got me writing seriously and reading again after a huge absense. The Sound and the Fury is less impressive.

the chapter you're thinking of is from the youngest kid, who is mentally handicapped. It says, "My mother is a fish." It was on page 79 of the edition I had in my english class in fall 1995.

terry said...

That was it!! I liked that chapter. Funny how little things like that stick in the memory.

Amanda said...

I know. I mean, why in the world would I remember that page number? I guess it's because that chapter was so memorable. When people don't remember anything else from faulkner, they remember "My mother is a fish." 5 words...huge name in history.