Sunday, February 01, 2009


I don't know which is sadder - the fact that Michael Phelps allowed someone to snap a picture of him taking a hit off a bong, or the fact that we continue to make role models out of sports personalities whose lives frankly don't measure up. . You'd think Phelps would've at least considered the ramifications of what this picture does to his endorsement career. What the flip was he thinking?


Anonymous said...

Kellogg's pulled their endorsement of him for smoking pot.

This is amusing because Kellogg's makes, among other things, PopTarts. Now, I haven't partaken in a long, long time, but I know this: There's only been one mindset I've been in where I ever wanted me a Kellogg's PopTart, and it wasn't during breakfast.

terry said...

Munchies !!