Well, I see the Florida preacher nutjob has called off his
Koran-burning session. It's hard to say whether this was all a tawdry publicity stunt
(I'm leaning towards that theory), or if Terry Jones is simply batsh*t crazy. Hmm. I guess it could be both.
Frankly, Jones is not who I'm disappointed in. Nor the government, nor the FBI. Jones has a constitutional right to burn his Korans if he wants to. There's no law against it.
No, it's the rest of the church denominations, pastors, and churchgoers that leave me stunned. Does anyone think this was acceptable Christian behavior? The rest of the christian community should have led the way in denouncing this hatemonger.
Instead, we got weak, watered-down
"Well, I don't think it's a good idea to be riling up them Muslims by burning their holy book." Wow. Where's the righteous outrage? Does any Christian really believe Jesus would approve this whack-job's actions? Talk about tacit complicity.
Of course, nowadays it's silly to think the church - any denomination - is in a
WWJD mode of thinking. It's all about the money, it's all about the membership roles, and it's all about getting in bed with the Radical Right. Thinking like Jesus is bad for business.

Which is not to let the radical Muslims off the hook either. A jihad is no different than a Crusade. And a fatwa is no different than a Papal Edict or a Pentecostal
"message from God". It's difficult to say which religion -
Islam or
Christianity - is working hardest at being the meanest and most hate-filled movement in the world.
And that's kinda sad when you think about it.
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