This album appears to have been issued in 1973. Three Tchaikovsky opuses, with one common denominator - they all have at least a couple bars of the Russian national anthem incorporated into them. 49 minutes of great music. And a kewl album cover to boot.
The conversion was relatively painless. No skips, and only a few major scratches. I was fortunate to find jpegs of both the front and back covers on the Internet. I burned it to CD, and listened to it on the way to work a couple mornings last week. At 80 decibels, it gave me goosebumps. 9*/10.
Track listing : (01) Overture 1812, Op. 49 (15:51). (02) Slavonic March, Op. 31 (9:30). Francesca da Rimini, Op. 32 (24:08).
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