2000 (this "Omnibus" edition); 438 pages. New Author? : No. Genre : 50's Sci-Fi. Overall Rating : 6*/10.
This is actually a bundling of two Andre Norton books - Time Traders (1958) and Galactic Derelict (1959). I loved Andre Norton books as a kid; and they're still fun to read on an occasional basis. This book was on my TBR shelf for more than two years; the oldest one there. That distinction now goes to a Louise Cooper book, The Initiate.
My review in 50 words or less...
The Russkies have time-travel. So do we. But someone or something in the past is giving them additional technological marvels. We need to go back, find the source, and take it down. But the Russians, the indigenous people, and the not-so-friendly aliens all might object!
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