These pics are from a bullfight in Spain earlier this week. Evidently one of the toros could fathom what was going on, who was responsible, and where to climb up and get to them. That's some pretty awesome cogitating.
40 people were injured, although I suspect for the most part that was due to other humans stampeding rather than the bull himself. And check out one of the girls in the picture below. She's leaning her elbows on the blue towel, and appears to have neither a care in the world, nor a clue as to what is going on behind her. Of course, she's a blonde.

Ironically, this was a special kind of bullfight where the bulls aren't killed. Mostly young men just run around, acting brave or stupid
(take your pick), trying to avoid the bulls. Alas, our toro was eventually captured, penned up again, and because of his antics
(or because of his intelligence and resourcefulness), was put to sleep.
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