Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Tales Of Ordinary Madness - Charles Bukowski

1983; 238 pages. Genre : Modern Literature; Short Stories. Overall Rating : 4½*/10.
A collection of 34 short stories and essays written (ANAICT) in the 1967-72 time period, and mostly for various underground and adult magazines. Be forewarned : There's lots of cussing and R-rated topics. Delicate souls should not read Bukowski.
My review in 50 words or less...
Some great pieces here, but also some drivel. When he's on (sober, maybe?) Bukowski is a gifted writer. But the themes - booze, sex, smokes, crappy attitude, etc. - get very repetitive. Good if you're new to Bukowski or are a Bukoholic. Otherwise, it's a bit tedious.
The voluted, involuted, and even convoluted version of this review is here.

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