Thursday, January 23, 2020

Book Excerpt for the Day

    As a small boy, Norman had always enjoyed putting his chemistry set to ill use and blowing things up.  But, as an adult he came to the conclusion that the problem with blowing things up was that it always left such chaos behind.  Not that Norman was an altogether tidy man, but explosions do tend to leave behind quite an unwholesome jumble.

    So, when now called upon to show his scientific stuff, as it were, Norman determined that he would create a clean bomb that would tidy up after itself.

    And thus, with this goal in mind, and his thoughts that Alfred Nobel had invented dynamite and that Norman still was very keen to win a Nobel Prize, Normanite was born.

    Normanite was unique in that it was an implosive, it sucked rather than blew.
    (from The Chronicles of Banarnia, by Robert Rankin)

    8*/10.  The full review is here.

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