Sunday, June 06, 2010

Letters to Gaza (part 2)

Dear Hamas, . Did you think this was going to be a one-sided rant? You are as much to blame for the blood that has been shed as Israel. . If you want to be a terrorist group, so be it. But when you became the government of Gaza, things changed. You are like a gang-banger who marries and has children. There are responsibilities now. You are now the father, protector, and provider for 1½ million dependents. You forfeited your former, reckless ways when you ousted Fatah. . Why are you shooting rockets into Israel? You know they will retaliate. Before, you could climb back into your black holes, and let Fatah face the wrath of Israel. Now you have no one to hide behind. Grow up. Or abdicate. You are killing your children.

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