Monday, March 15, 2010

Cryptonomicon - Neal Stephenson

1999; 1130 pages. Awards : Locus Award 2000 - Best Science Fiction Novel. Which is strange, since there's no science fiction in it. Also nominated for the a Hugo and an Arthur C. Clarke Award in 2000. Genre : Cyberpunk; Historical Fiction. Overall Rating : 8*/10.
Another 2009 Christmas present (thanks, Jasel!), and a new author for me. Cyberpunk and WW2 historical fiction makes for a jim-dandy nerd novel. A good book, especially if you're a techno-geek.
My reveiw in 50 words or less...
Combines WW2 cryptography and counterintelligence hijinks with a modern-day high-tech finance company start-up and defending it against hackers. Subtle humor, great characters, and Nazi gold. Two storylines that eventually merge, with a good ending to boot. Next vacation, I'm visiting Kinakuta and Qwghlm.
The The skrrgh-inspired version of this book review is here.

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