Saturday, January 17, 2009

RIP - Patrick McGoohan

Patrick McGoohan
b. : 03/19/28
d. : 01/13/09
. I remember Patrick McGoohan, first from the spy series, Secret Agent; then from the enormously popular and short-lived The Prisoner. . The latter, a scant 17 episodes long, quickly garmered a major cult following (is that an oxymoron?) when it aired in the US. In the summer, IIRC. McGoohan played a British secret agent who quits one day for no specified reason. He is quickly gassed and transported to "The Village", a pleasant seaside resort-but-prison for ex-agents of all sorts of countries. He is simply labeled "Number 6" and spends the rest of the series trying to escape and being a rebellious PITA for whoever it was that was running The Village. . We were all bummed when it was learned that there would be no second season. I suppose in retrospect, there are only so many plots that can be written about thinking you escaped The Village, only to wake up the next day, back in your cottage/cell. If you've nevcr seen this 1984-esque series, I can only say that I highly recommend finding it.


Anonymous said...

The thing about "The Prisoner" is that either it's:

a) The story of a spy stopped from going AWOL.
b) The story of a man imprisoned by his own paranoia (i.e. Number 6 is actually his own captor, Number 1).
c) A cheaply made, nonsensical bit of whimsy which became a cult due to it's opacity and novelty value of changing Number 2 every episode.
d) Simply a load of old toss not worth watching.

I rather suspect it's actually a blend of all of the above, the mix of constituents determined by the viewers psychological state or substance intake.

Be Seeing You.

Mini Moke.

terry said...

okay, the Truth now. when The Prisoner originally aired in the UK, what did you think of it?

FWIW, i think you're right - the "thing" about the show is a combination of all four factors you mention. i'm a bit reluctant to watch it again. it is possible that it didn't "age" well at all.